The Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Czech Academy of Sciences is active in climatology and meteorology, aeronomy, ionospheric and magnetospheric physics, space plasma physics and solar system exploration. It directly participates on a number of international space projects and cooperates with the ESA, with national space agencies in the US (NASA), in France (CNES), and in China (CNSA), and with research institutes worldwide. The institute is located in Prague and employs more than 80 full time staff members, over 50% of which hold the PhD degree or its equivalent. The area of scientific activities of IAP includes the development of instruments for satellite missions, theoretical and computational modelling of planetary physics phenomena and data analysis with emphasis on space plasma physics, atmospheric, auroral and magnetospheric physics and solar wind. The spacecraft research and engineering staff of the Department of Space Physics of IAP builds on 50 years of heritage of space research which includes development and operations of 5 small spacecraft of the Czechoslovak MAGION program (1978-2002) and different scientific instruments for in situ measurements of parameters of space plasmas and plasma waves in the frame of several sounding rocket and spacecraft missions of the Russian Intercosmos program and onboard the French DEMETER or ESA’s PROBA II missions. The institute’s telemetry station in Panska Ves currently acquires science telemetry of plasma wave measurements of the ESA Cluster mission and space weather data of the NASA Van Allen probes mission. The data analysis efforts at the Department of Space Physics of IAP have been carried out, for example, for the Intershock, APEX, Interball, MAGION, Freja, Polar, Cluster, Double Star, Stereo, DEMETER, Cassini, Juno, and Van Allen Probes missions. The Department of Space Physics of IAP built instruments for Solar Orbiter, TARANIS and JUICE missions, and is currently involved in instrument building efforts for the future missions such as ExoMars, Luna-26 orbiter, Comet Interceptor, Lagrange and Athena.
Main Tasks
IAP will lead WP3 (Internal magnetospheric dynamics) and will contribute to WP2 (Solar and interplanetary drivers of geospace conditions), WP4 (Space Safety Service), WP5 (Evaluation and verification) and WP6 (Exploitation, dissemination and communication).